Job Searching While Unemployed

So I started this blog, not just for a place to post randomness, but also a place where I could vent or just express my thoughts. Those of you that know me know that I don’t like confrontation and I’m not big on talking about my feelings. So I thought, this was a way I could do that, and people can read it or not, comment or not, give advice or not, but not feel like they HAVE to say anything back to me like if we were talking in person.

I’ve been unemployed for about 4 1/2 months, and I can’t seem to be getting anywhere. In today’s age, you can’t really go to places anymore to inquire about jobs, most places want you to apply online or submit a resume and many places specifically state no phone calls or walk ins. I send out numerous resumes and submit multiple applications a day, yet I rarely hear anything back and when I do, it’s usually a generic rejection email. They don’t even give a phone interview to learn more about me or my skills. It’s extremely frustrating.

Part of the problem is that in the past, I’ve worked for small companies that, while stable for a while, have eventually become unstable. This is the 3rd time I’ve been unemployed because of a company closing or financial issues or something. I don’t want to be in that situation again. I want to find a job at a bigger company with decent pay and benefits, maybe even a ping-pong table (not really but wouldn’t that be cool?) The problem with that is, for a lot of the great companies to work for, you have to know someone to get in the door. The company may accept outside applications, but they’ll still have the advantage.

That doesn’t always happen though. You may have a connection but other circumstances may affect your chances of being considered for a job. You may not have all the qualifications/knowledge/experience that they need someone to have for the position. You may not be where they need you to be geographically (at least for now. Some may relocate for a great position or company, but it all depends on how quickly the company needs to fill the position.) That’s happened to me a couple of times lately. I’ve applied to multiple positions that I REALLY wanted with a couple of companies, both here and elsewhere, but at the moment, I’m not geographically desirable for some or I may not have had all the qualifications they wanted. It’s hard to not get your hopes up for a possible opportunity, especially if its something you really want. Then, when you don’t get it, you can sometimes just feel deflated. The thing is though, if given the chance, I would have hauled butt to pack up and get where I needed to be. And I’m a quick learner. I’ve had to learn software/processes/even whole jobs at every job I’ve had. It’s just the case that I need someone to take a chance on me, whether it’s here or somewhere else. I’m 34 and unemployed for the 3rd time in my life. I’m ready to find a permanent career, a permanent company. The question is, how long will that take?

“Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.” -Desmond Tutu